As mandated by this legislation, Iconic Solutions has released a report detailing the steps we are taking to prevent and eradicate forced labor in our direct supply chain.
Disclosure Statement for California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010
Starting January 1, 2012, specific companies that manufacture or sell products in California must disclose their efforts to combat slavery and human trafficking, as required by the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010. This law mandates that these companies provide information about their initiatives to eliminate slavery and human trafficking from their direct supply chains, thereby enabling consumers to make informed decisions about the products they purchase and the companies they support.
Slavery and human trafficking can manifest in various forms, such as forced labor and child labor. Iconic Solutions has taken multiple steps to address these issues within its supply chain, including:
• Iconic Solutions has identified employees responsible for supply chain management and provided both internal and online training focused on human trafficking and slavery, particularly on identifying and mitigating risks within the supply chain.
• Iconic Solutions employees periodically visit the manufacturing facilities of our suppliers. These visits allow the Company to review supplier actions and inquire about their conduct. However, the Company currently does not verify product supply chains to assess and address risks of human trafficking and slavery, nor does it audit its suppliers.
• Iconic Solutions includes provisions in supply agreements and purchase orders that, where possible, require our suppliers to warrant that the products we purchase are produced in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. We reserve the right to terminate our relationship with any supplier found to be in non-compliance with this warranty. Currently, our contracts do not specifically mandate that suppliers certify compliance with laws regarding slavery and human trafficking in their operating countries.
• All directors, officers, and employees of Iconic Solutions are bound by the Iconic Solutions, LLC. Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, which mandates compliance with all relevant laws, rules, and regulations. Violations of the Code can result in disciplinary actions, up to and including termination of employment. However, the Company does not currently enforce standards related to slavery and human trafficking for its suppliers.